Great Black and White Photographers #3

Great Black and White Photographers #3

1) When looking at my photographers photos the content in his photos are what caught my eye. The subject in the photo was interesting and made me choose them because of the emotion and expression it had. Also the backgrounds and settings of the pictures were strange and uncommon which made me choose them as well.

2) 1st Picture: As the photographer

In the photo I see the kids messing around with the hose as they were probably watering the grass or just messing around considering they are only in shorts. I also see the trees in the background which are slanted on the photo. I also see the trail in the background which makes me think that it is in a park.
I smell the grass that is slightly damp from the hose that the children are playing with. I also smell the water from the hose which the kid is pouring into his mouth. I also smell the scent of the trees in the background which are giving of oxygen.
I hear the water rushing from the hose into the child's mouth. I hear the children laughter as they have fun with the hose. I also hear the wind swaying the trees from side to side in the park or yard.
I taste the wind in the air. I taste the grass and the dampness from the water. I taste the the plastic cover of the hose.
I feel the wind brush across my skin. I feel the water hitting my skin from the ricochet of the hose from the kids mouth. I feel the softness of the grass as I stand on it.

2nd Picture: As the photographer

I see the man in the mask walking towards me. I see the basketball hoop in the background with no net. I see the building in the background which might be a school.
I smell the thick air from what I think is from the city downtown. I smell the scent of the man walking towards me. I smell the gravel of the basketball court.
I hear the footsteps of the man's shoes. I hear the man breathing. I hear the noise of the city in the background.
I taste the somewhat polluted air of the city. I taste the gravel on the surface of the court. I taste brick layering of the building behind. 
I feel the footsteps of the man hitting the ground. I feel the cold air across the city. I also feel the presence of the man walking towards me.

3) I would like to do a power point.


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