Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO

Image result for photo taken at f2.8

Image result for f 16 aperture photo

1. The eyes
2. The smaller the aperture opening, the higher the aperture F-stop
3. A larger F-stop has a larger depth of field blurring less of the background.

Shutter Speed

Fast Shutter Speed
Image result for high shutter speed photo

Slow Shutter Speed
Image result for slow shutter speed photo

1a. Short
1b. Short
1c. Long
1d. Long
1e. Long
1f. Long

2a. Slow
2b. Slow
2c. Long
2d. Long
2e. Long
2f. Long

  1. Auto- It is the shutter speed that the camera automatically sets for you when you take the picture.
  2. Shutter Priority- You have the choice of the shutter speed but the camera sets the aperture for you.
  3. Manual- Able to choose both the shutter speed and aperture.

ISO 200
Image result for photo taken at iso 200

ISO 3200

Image result for photo taken at iso 3200

1. Increasing the ISO would decrease motion blur and use a faster shutter speed to get a good action photo.
2. The author said to use the lowest ISO when possible because you don't want a lot of light in your picture, you should use increase your shutter speed to get more brightness on you photos.
3. The main reason to use high ISO is to decrease motion blur and do not want a blurry picture.


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