Academic Shoot

Academic Shoot Photos:

1: Rule of Thirds
2: The subject is the man writing on his sheet of paper and recording data
3:It is a little clear, I could have probably gotten a lot closer to the subject and what he is doing.

1: Simplicity
2:The subject is the color wheel that the student is writing/drawing
3: The subject of the photo is not very clear.
4: I could have maybe got a different angle on the sketchbook and gotten closer.


1: Balance
2:The subjects are the boys working on their artwork.
3:The subjects are a bit clear but could be clearer
4: Get a better angle on the boys working and not from behind.


  1. I really liked the point of view on the second and third photo. I also liked how clear the subject was the pictures. One thing you could improve on though would be capturing more emotion from the people.

    Thank you, Brian


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