Student of the Month Interview Questions

Student of the Month Interview Questions

  1. What reasons do you think made you student of the month?
    1. I honestly don't know, I didn't try.
  2. Who would you pick to be student of the month if it wasn't you?
    1. Brock, because he also works very hard.
  3. How is this award affecting you?, positive, negative?
    1. It makes my parents think I'm smarter than I am.
  4. Do you think it should be multiple people recognized for the award or just one student?
    1. Just one student, because I feel that it is less rewarding for the students that win it.
  5. What is your favorite class that you take?
    1. Physical Education, because I love being active.
  6. Why were you picked as student of the month?
    1. I cheat to get good grades because I do not study.
  7. After receiving the award will you try and win it again?
    1. Probably not, it was too much work for me.
  8. Do you think after all you did to win was it worth all the effort?
    1. Yes, of course I think it was worth it because now I am recognized as student of the month.
  9. Which teacher helped you get to this point in your academic career?
    1. Online answers, because that is how I complete homework and other assignments.
  10. What do you get for winning student of the month?
    1. More recognition, than I already had.
  11. Do you deserve more?
    1. No, I think that the recognition is enough.
  12. What grades are needed to be in the running for student of the month?
    1. B's are usually the grade to be in the running.
  13. What was your lowest grade this grading period?
    1. 76, but I struggled in that class.
  14. Were your grades better or worse than you expected?
    1. Better, I thought I didn't do that well.
  15. Which class did you have to do the most work for?
    1. Algebra 1, it gives out the most assignments.
  16. How active are you in the classroom?
    1. I sleep a lot during class, so not very.
  17. Does that also affect your position in student of the month?
    1. No not at all.
  18. Are you happy you won the award?
    1. Yes I am very proud of myself.
  19. Does the award feel like a competition or a reward? 
    1. Reward, for sure, it feels like an accomplishment.
  20. Did you ever think that you would win this award?
    1. No, not at all, I still can't believe I won.


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