Shutterbug Websites
Shutterbug Websites
I chose the website Lens, to review, just looking at the website at first glance, the New York Times sectioned website seems to focus on more elderly or older folk. Some of the stories are focused on the past and older folk and either their photography books or experiences with photography or some such. But the website also looks like it focuses on more serious issues or topics. With stories such as a photographer and his story taking photos during the "Shooting War" or "Images That Counter Traditional Depictions of Women", and "Spices. Soil. Worn Photos. These Are the Objects Unidentified Migrants Left Behind."
I decided to read about how photographers can manipulate everyday objects and ordinary things, to scare and creep someone out. The average viewer can see not much about how to improve photo techniques and scenarios and what to do if you are in them. But more actual stories about people that they have interviewed, about their experiences and unique stories. This is not a place where an author usually shares what pictures they have taken or "TOP TEN TIPS TO BE A BETTER PHOTOGRAPHER", but more of a news source in the world of photography. I wouldn't add this as a bookmark because the likelihood of me visiting this site again is very slim. But I would recommend it to other people because the website have compelling and interesting stories.
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