Top 100 Photos

Top 100 Photos

1. I picked this image because I know who Muhammad Ali is and that he passed away about two years ago and that he was a very good and emotional boxer. What caught my eye was obviously Ali's emotion in the picture and that he knocked out Sonny Liston which gave him the world title.
2. The photo was one of the most anticipated fights to watch as this was the second meeting between the two, because the fight before Ali stole Liston's title. The photographer, Neil Leifer was sitting ringside to capture the photo as it became one of the most famous photos of its time.
3. In addition to the photo description many people believe that the rematch of Liston and Ali was fixed due to Liston's previous match against Cassius Clay when he gave up his heavyweight title belt in a match that people also thought was fixed. The reason for this was because when Liston went against Clay he called it quits on his stool instead of being knocked out, which he later blamed for having a slight muscle tear in his left shoulder.
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5. Neil Leifer, 
Born December 28, 1942
New York City, NY
Seward Park High School

1. I picked this image because it is a very symbolic picture for civil rights activists and was a very powerful and bold move for them to do that at the Olympics.
2. In the picture it symbolizes that Tommie Smith and John Carlos wanted blacks to be treated equal in America which is why they protested. If you look closer Smith (at the top of the podium) has his shoes off and on black socks to symbolize black poverty.
3. I read that this protest actually ended up ruining their careers as they were kicked off the olympic team and were unable to compete again, which shows that standing up for what you want has risk and reward. You get your message out but the consequences could be severe.
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5. John Dominis
Born June 27, 1921
Died December 30, 2013
USC School of Cinematic Arts

1. I chose this picture because it caught my eye and I was confused what was happening in the picture.
2. Photographer Malcolm Browne went to take pictures as there would be protests of the treatment of Buddhists, but when Browne got there he got more than he expected as he saw two monks pour gasoline on the elderly man sitting on the ground.
3. I learned that this protest was because of the treatment of Buddhists in South Vietnam under Ngo Dinh Diem. Two years later a group of Buddhists were killed by Vietnamese soldiers for flying the Buddhist flag.
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5. Malcolm Browne
Born April 17, 1931
Died August 27, 2012
Swarthmore College

1. This photo caught my eye because I know what this was from and I learned about this already.
2. During the Munich Olympic games of 1972 were called "the games of peace and joy" but that all went out the window when on the morning of September 5th members of a Palestine terrorist group Black September to raid the building housing Israeli athletes killing two and later nine.
3. The Israel-Palestine conflict is very complicated and has been going on for a very long time because of territory markings and boundaries that have been moved and fought over. This just added more kerosene to the flame of their bitter war and as 900 million people watched it was one of the most horrific moments in olympic history.
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5. Kurt Strumpf
No information found

1. This picture caught my eye because of the person lying on the ground but also the fear and emotion of the woman next to him
2. The shooting of Kent State University in Ohio left four dead and nine wounded. This was captured by John Filo who won a Pulitzer prize for his photograph.
3. The reason for the shooting was national guard troopers were trying to contain protestors who were protesting the bombing of Cambodia by the United States, but ended up killing 4 students and injuring nine more.
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5. John Filo
Born August 21, 1948
Natrona Heights, PA
Kent State College


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