
1. Some changes that were made to the models face when they were in photoshop were; they made her neck longer, they made her eyes bigger, they made the lips larger than before, and moved the cheeks in more to enhance her jaw line.

2. In the video some changes they made to the model were that they enlarged her eyes, extended her neck, made her nose smaller, made her legs longer than they were, made her skinner lighter/whiter, and moved her shoulders up, made her feet smaller, made her lips smaller, and moved her arms forward.

3.  The things they changed were they enlarged the human, the made their arms and legs larger, changed the skin color of the to a yellow or red, then filled in the space with their arms to make it fill in. Then made the body into a pizza shape to make the pizza (in reverse).

4. No, because it shows unrealistic  standards and of women and other girls to become acceptable in the real world. 
5. No because if you change someone to make them look worse it could bring down their confidence and self esteem.
6. Changes such as if you need to crop something out or improve the lighting or dim the picture would be okay because it is not affecting the person.
7. Photography is taking photos of a certain thing or event, photojournalism is taking photos in order to make a series of events using the photos.
8. Each type of photography sets standards of things to people who see them,
9. You are showing us these because we need to learn that manipulation in Photoshop can show a false image or reality, and that if we do manipulate we should not alter the photo entirely to make it look good.
10. Because it sets the standard of beauty and that women are often associated with beauty rather than men.


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