1. The camera obscura effect was made around 500 BCE when a tiny hole was made in a completely dark room. The outside light is focused and the "outside scene" is projected.
2. In 1700 the Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens learned about optics and the process of making high quality glass lenses.
3. In 1827 Joesph Niépce added film to the camera to take the first photograph. The first camera was made up of a glass lens, a dark box, and film.
4. Modern day cameras are the same as Niépce's because they still have the same functions: Light passes through the lens, into the camera, and exposes the film, which then produces a photograph.
5. Instead of using film digital cameras use CCD (an electronic sensor) to capture the image taken.
6. The difference between auto and program mode is auto controls exposure and flash. Program is just point and shoot and you control flash and other settings.
7. Portrait mode is used to shoot a person and block out the background so the person is what is focused in the photograph.
8. Sports mode is used to capture a moment in a game, and freeze the motion of the players in the picture. The camera uses the highest shutter speed a possible.
9. In manual the photographer has to set the aperture and shutter speed to their liking.
10. The half press button is useful for faster camera response time, you get more control over the focus of the photograph, and encourages better composition.
11. The symbol means that the flash is disabled and could be used when natural light is better for the photograph than the flash.
12. The symbol means auto-flash which is default and is used when the camera thinks there needs to be more light.
13. If there is too much light in the picture then it will be "washed out".
14. If your photo does not have enough light then the picture will turn out dark and hard to see.
15. A "stop" is a unit of measurement in photography to show a relative change in the brightness of light.
16. If there is a planet with two suns instead of one, the new planet would be 1 stop brighter.
17. If there is a planet with four suns instead of two, the planet would be 2 stops brighter.
18. If you have a longer shutter speed then there will be more light to the film.
19. A shorter shutter speed would have less light to the film than a longer shutter speed.
20. The aperture on a camera controls the light, the aperture can open up or close depending on how much light you want. Aperture is measured in f-stops.
21.To get more light you can open increase your aperture to get more light.
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